Statistical Database on the Great East Japan Earthquake, Global Centre for Disaster Statistics, IRIDeS, Tohoku University.


Statistical Database on the Great East Japan Earthquake, Global Centre for Disaster Statistics, IRIDeS, Tohoku University.


This database is provided by International Research Institute of Disaster Science (IRIDeS) of Tohoku University, which is a member of the Global Centre for Disaster Statistics (GCDS). We have strong hope to inform you about the lessons of the Great East Japan Earthquake and comprehensively show the data on the earthquake provided by the national/local government and private organizations. We also prepared the link collection of Japanese statistics related to disasters. Please make good use of them.

We provide the statistical data related to the Great East Japan Earthquake with visible figures, detailed the references and the original data, in order to improve the understanding of the disaster and to be useful in research by both domestic and international people.

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